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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Handy tips for astute wildlife photography

1.Quality wildlife photography will always be achieved when a perfect knowledge of the camera and equipment used has been mastered. The skill of handling long lenses is also a prerequisite for wildlife photography excellence.

2.It is all about being spontaneous. You should be aware of your equipment such that you can alter and implement various settings without looking. It’s the only way to optimally anticipate that glorious shot opportunity.

3.Wildlife photography presents multiple perils and hazards that can actualize without notice – make sure you use telephoto lenses in your work.

4.Wildlife photography requires an innate knowledge of your subject(s). You should always make prior research into a given animal’s behavioral traits including mating and migration so as to clearly anticipate the best photography time/season.

5.The quality of your pictures is much dependent on the natural lighting. Make sure that you shoot when the sun is angled (EARLY MORNING OR LATE AFTERNOON) to avoid excessive shadowing and glaring on the photos.

6.Shoot the most you can. You never know which photo will work out best. In any case, wildlife photography is not an everyday undertaking.


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