As a wildlife photographer you must approach your subjects with the respect and precaution that they deserve. You must abstain from interfering with their breeding and feeding activities especially when there are young ones involved. By extension, you ought to keep a good distance away from where young ones are being nestled. Wildlife photographers should be well informed beforehand about their subjects’ habitats and behaviors. They should as such be sensitive to these animals’ natural signals, something that might save their lives should things go awry in the wild.
All wildlife photographers must be clear about the possible weather changes that might materialize once they are in the outdoors. This calls for a prior and thorough research on weather reports and patterns especially in the early mornings and late afternoons which are the ideal shooting times. Finally, a wildlife photographer must always make his/her subject the focus of the photo – the background should also be featured in an artistic way so as to complete the picture nicely.
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